Council President Defers Action on ZTA 18-11 re: Cell Towers

Council President Defers Action on ZTA 18-11 re: Cell Towers

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To supporters of MC4T:

From: Montgomery County Coalition to Control Cell Towers-MC4T <>

Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:59 PM

Subject: UPDATE: Council President Defers Action on ZTA 18-11…Possible Council Vote on October 30, 2018

Here is the October 23 Council session on Facebook (you don’t need a facebook account to view it.)  Scroll to 1:58

Following lengthy and tumultuous Council debate on October 23 and failing test vote (3-6) on minor amendment, Council President Hans Reimer – seeing insufficient support among Councilmembers to pass proposed ZTA – hurriedly gaveled lunch adjournment without calling for final vote as previously scheduled.  Upon returning from lunch break, Mr. Reimer stated intent to possibly reschedule vote at next Council meeting on Tuesday, October 30, but he was not certain

Our sincere thanks to Council members who voted FOR residents’ yesterday including Tom HuckerRoger Berliner, Sidney KatzMarc ElrichNancy Navarro and George Leventhal by approving first of what would have been several possible amendments, and especially to Tom Hucker and Roger Berliner for their strong leadership and advocacy on behalf of residents’ concerns.

Hans Reimer, Nancy Floreen and Craig Rice were opposed to resident friendly amendment(s).

As an important footnote, Mr. Leventhal pushed stridently for cloture as he expressed strong desire get a ZTA 18-11 passed and to let fundamental issues be tested in Court – NOT more time spent debating.

However, we emphasize that this is just a delay.  ZTA 18-11 is still “in play.”

Council President may bring this final vote!!  We believe County Executive Leggett and his Staff will pull out all the stops in the next week to get this passed.

By state law, Montgomery County Council must act on all land use matters such as this proposed zoning text amendment no later than Wednesday, October 31, 2018 – as thereafter Council is “Lame Duck Session” awaiting outcome of November 6 General Election and subsequent seating of new Council.

Your expressions of gratitude to the Councilmembers listed above who voted FOR residents’ yesterday will help reinforce their resolve. (see email addresses below.)

And, we must remain vigilant as votes can change

Thanks so much for all your efforts and continued support.  You are making a very important contributions on this important issue!

Rick Meyer


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