Aberdeen Local Park

posted in: Montgomery County Parks | 0

12230 Triple Crown Road, North Potomac, MD 20878 Aberdeen Local Park contains two playgrounds, a multi-use field, a picnic area and two tennis courts.  This 14.5-acre park was acquired by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) for Montgomery County in … Continued

Big Pines Local Park

posted in: Montgomery County Parks | 0

13900 Travilah Road, Travilah, MD 20878 The Big Pines Local Park features a playground, basketball court, covered picnic area, and two tennis courts. This 11-acre park was acquired by Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) for Montgomery County in 1973.

North Potomac Community Recreation Center

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13860 Travilah Road, Rockville, MD 20850 This project provides for the design of a 33,000 net square foot community recreation center and associated site of approximately 17 acres. The building will include typical elements such as a gymnasium, exercise room, … Continued

The Universities at Shady Grove

posted in: Schools | 0

At Shady Grove and Darnestown Roads, North Potomac (Rockville), MD The Universities at Shady Grove offers 80 undergraduate and graduate degree programs from nine respected institutions within the University System of Maryland at one central location in Montgomery County. USG … Continued

Dufief Local Park

posted in: Montgomery County Parks | 0

11336 Brandy Hall Ln., North Potomac, MD 20878 Dufief Local Park is located between Brandy Hall Lane and Dufief Drive in North Potomac. Visitors to this park can enjoy two playgrounds and three tennis courts, as well as two fields … Continued

Ten-Mile Creek

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NPCA is a member of the Montgomery Countryside Alliance and supports it in a number of areas, one of them being watershed protection of the Ten-Mile Creek and Little Seneca Reservoir, which helps to provide safe drinking water for our … Continued

Greenbriar Local Park

posted in: Montgomery County Parks | 0

12525 Glen Rd., Travilah, MD 20854 Greenbriar Local Park will be an open and partially-wooded area near the intersection of Travilah Road and Glen Road, providing natural open pace for the enjoyment of residents and passersby. This 25.1-acre park was acquired by … Continued

Hanson Farm

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The Hanson Farm was purchased in 1941by Robert Hanson’s parents.  It is a 410-acre farm near Travilah and Quince Orchard Roads and the Hanson family still farms it today.  However they have plans to develop the property when Robert Hanson passes … Continued

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