Our annual membership drive is still underway and we really need your support! Since 1988, North Potomac Citizens Association (NPCA) has been proudly serving as the eyes, ears, and voice of the North Potomac, MD constituency. Thanks to the support of our neighbors, we have endeavored to keep everyone informed of the latest issues affecting our community. Our all-volunteer board members organize regular Town Hall Meetings to be held at the new North Potomac Recreation Center located at 13850 Travilah Rd – featuring speakers representing diverse local issues such as politics, school issues, government services, recreation, and road projects. Check out our website at www.NorthPotomacNews.org or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/northpotomaccitizensassociation, and please consider joining and supporting NPCA! If you have any questions we can help you with, our email address is NPCAorg@gmail.com